- Altamirano, M. E. (2019). Placing favelas on the tourist city map: between commodification and representation. AESOP Annual Congress "Planning for Transition", Università luav di Venezia, Venezia, 9-13 July.
- Altamirano, E. (2019). Placing favelas on the tourist city map: between commodification and representation. At A Economía Política do Turismo, Seminario Internacional. USP - FFLCH, Departamento de Geografía. São Paulo, Brazil.
- Altamirano, E. (2020). Overcoming Urban Frontiers: the case of tourist favela Santa Marta. At Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future Conference, Royal Anthropological Institute and Royal Geographical Society. Online international conference.
- Anton Clavé, S. (2018). The reinvention of coastal tourist destinations. Ré-invention des territoires touristiques: entre attentes des consommateurs, adaptation de l’offre et nouvelles formes de résidentialité. Université de Lausanne, Sion, Switzerland, 13-14 September.
- Anton Clavé, S. (2018). Regional evolutionary economic geography approaches to destination evolution. An introduction. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers 2018 New Orleans, USA.
- Anton Clavé, S. (2019). Mobilities and urban tourism. Changes and Challenges in Barcelona. The 10th Kinneret International Tourism Conference. Tourism mobility: transportation, information, techology and society. Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee. Tiberias, Israel.
- Anton Clavé, S. & Sanz-Ibáñez, C. (2018). Aspectos Conceituais Geografia Econômica Evolutiva e Turismo. A Geografia Econômica Evolutiva e o Turismo. Universidade Federal do Parana.
- Anton Clavé, S. & Sanz-Ibáñez, C. (2018). Strategic coupling evolution and destination upgrading. The case of central Costa Daurada. A Geografia Econômica Evolutiva e o Turismo. Universidade Federal do Parana.
- Anton Clavé, S.; Beier L. & Vigier H. (2019). Tolerance and talent as factors of attraction of creative workers in tourism destinations in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. VII Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics. La Plata, 2019.
- Anton Clavé, S. & Zhang, C. (2018). Regional Evoluntionary economic geography approaches to destination evolution. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, USA.
- Arias Sans, A. & Russo A.P. (2019). Gentrification on the move. ATLAS annual conference 2019. Girona, Spain, 17-20 September 2019.
- Brandajs, F. (2019). Mobilities around us: Social spatialities and new tourist surroundings in Barcelona. The case of Poblenou. AESOP Annual Congress "Planning for Transition", Università luav di Venezia, Venezia, 9-13 July.
- Domènech, A. Miravet, D. & Gutiérrez, A. (2018). Determinants of Public Transport use by tourists of a World Heritage City:the case of Tarragona. NECTAR Cluster 5 Workshop: Smart Transport for Sustainable Tourism ‘Mobility clashes at tourism destinations’. Lecce, Italy, 24 May.
- Domènech, A.; Gutiérrez, A. (2019). First-time cruise tourists' intention to recommend a port city: space and time matter. 15th biennial NECTAR conference: Towards human scale cities – Open and happy. University of Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 June 2019.
- Domènech, A.; Larpin, B.; Schegg, R.; Scaglione, M. (2019). Spatial distribution of Airbnb accommodations in Switzerland. Swiss Real Estate Research Congress. Zürich, 29 March 2019.
- Domènech, A.; Larpin, B.; Schegg, R.; Scaglione, M. (2019). Identfying the explanatory factors of the Airbnb spatial distribution in Switzerland. Hospitality, Finance & Economics Conference. Ecole Hotelerie Lausanne, 28-29 June 2019.
- Nel·lo, M. & Font, A. (2018). COODTUR, AVANCES DE LA RED: La Educación Superior y el Impacto Social de la Investigación en Turismo. XII Congreso Internacional de la AMIT, XVI Seminario de Turismo y Sustentabilidad de la Universidad del Caribe y VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Investigación Turística Academia Mexicana de Investigación Turística, A. C. (AMIT) la Universidad del Caribe y la Red de Confluencia Latinoamericana de Investigación Turística. Cancún, Quintana Roo, 29-31 October.
- Olano Pozo, J. X.; González Reverté, F. & Anton Clavé, S. (2018). Atracción de residentes en litoral catalán: el caso de los trabajadores creativos y de los trabajadores con baja especialización en el Penedés Marítimo. In Somoza Xosé (ed). De lugar geográfico a destino turístico. Análisis, planificación y gestión de los procesos de cambio generados por el turismo. Actas del XVI Coloquio de Turismo y Ocio de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. León, 21-23 September .
- Olano Pozo, J. X.; G.onzález Reverté, F. & Anton Clavé, S. (2018) Describiendo las pautas de residencia de los trabajadores creativos en Cataluña. International Conference on Regional Science, XLIV Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Valencia 21-23 November.
- Rovira-Soto, M.T. & Anton Clavé, S. (2020). La evolución del papel del planeamiento parcial en la consolidación de la ciudad turística. II Congreso Internacional Turismo Transversal y Paisaje. TOURISCAPE2. Barcelona, 4-6 noviembre.
- Russo, A.P., Quaglieri, A. & Arias, A. (2018). Who really ‘home-shares’ in Airbnb? Evidence from Barcelona and critical notes. ATLAS annual conference 2018: “Destination dynamics”. Organisation of the special session Track 3 on ‘Mobility clashes at tourism destinations’. Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-29 September.
- Russo, A. P. (2018). La movilización de los paisajes de la memoria histórica: turismo en dos sitios memoriales de la Guerra Civil Española en Cataluña. ATLAS Latin-American 2nd congress “New challenges of tourism in heritage contexts”. Member of scientific committee. Oaxaca, Mexico, 5-7 September.
- Russo, A.P. & Bartelle, S. (2018). Mobilising memoryscapes: Catalan Civil War landmarks as tourist sites Barcelona, Spain. ATLAS SIG Research in Cultural Tourism International seminar “Participatory culture and new challenges for tourism: Responses to the challenges of mass cultural tourism”. Barcelona, 12-13 April.
- Russo, A.P. & Brandajs, F. (2018). Exclusionary pedestrian behaviour? Evidence from space use analysis of cruise tourism in Barcelona. New Urban Identities International Conference, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence 19-20 June
- Russo, A.P. & Brandajs, F. (2019). Smarter cities, less just destinations? Examining the relational power of enabled tourists. AESOP Annual Congress "Planning for Transition", Università luav di Venezia, Venezia 9-13 July.
- Russo, A.P. & Brandajs, F. (2019). Examining the social effects of digitally-empowered tourism. ATLAS annual conference 2019. Girona, Spain, 17-20 September 2019.
- Santos-Lacueva, R. (2018). Presentación del Proyecto POLITUR. "Análisis del papel de las políticas territoriales en la gestión de los destinos turísticos en la época de las movilidades”. Jornada de Circulación de ideas y difusión de políticas: Construcción de la problemática y de las propuestas de intervención en torno al turismo urbano europeo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 6-7 Marzo 2018.
- Sanz-Ibáñez, C. & Anton Clavé, S. (2018). An evolutionary perspective of destination dynamics: recent developments and research agenda. Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Universität zu Köln, Cologne.
- Seyhan, B. & Russo, A.P. (2019). Processes of Tourismification (a focus on protectd rural areas). International Conference Between Overtourism and Undertourism: Implications and Crisis Management Strategies. Lecce – Italy 26th - 29th June, 2019.
- Soro, E. (2018). Collaborative disaster response: deconstructing the rhetoric of and community resilience. ATLAS annual conference 2018: “Destination dynamics”. Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-29 September.
- Soro, E. (2018). Place of intimacy and the intimacy of place. Online dating and representation of the place in the age of post-tourism. International Conference. Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies. Sozopol, Bulgaria
- Soro, E. (2019). Intimacy on the move. The use of dating apps among mobile collectives. ATLAS annual conference 2019 “.Tourism Transformations”, Girona, Spain.
- Wilson, J.; Anton Clavé, S. & Sanz-Ibáñez, C. (2019). ‘Moments’ and ‘Butterflies’ in the Geographical Political Economy of Tourism Destinations. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 3-7.
- Zhang, M. (2019). Integrated policies to strengthen rural -urban linkages towards sustainable rural revitalization: a case from a border tourism destination. UNESCO Congress on Culture 2030: Rural-urban development, the future of historic villages and towns, Meishan, China. 10-12, June, 2019.
- Zaragozí, B.; Gutiérrez, A. & Trilles, S. (2020). Towards an affordable GIS for analysing public transport mobility data: a preliminary file naming convention for avoiding duplication of efforts. GISTAM 6th Internationl Conferecne on geographical Information System Theory, Applications and Management, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-9 May 2020.